L'encre des voix secrètes
Réalisation : Avril 2003
Durée :
54' 10
"L'encre des voix secretes" takes origin by analyses and meditation on poetry and novels, you will get all the infos on her website about this, it's the "musical" description of Dallio's feelings I permit to say comprehending this poems/novels! You have to imagine you are locked somewhere and someone/something talks to you from a place you can't really define, it's someone/body/thing talking directly and exactly to the man in your brain (expression I like to use a lot;;!!).
Music is done by electronics, voices from nowhere, sampled drums, sampled saxes, sampled noise, sampled nature sounds which determinate a weird and unreachable harmony, it's not that you listen Patricia Dallio's music with your friends at a Sunday's BBQ party, do you get me? It's not happy music, it's dark and obscure, it's like being on a ship and can't see where is land due to fog and the darker night of all times and in those moments, when fear starts her jokes on you they start storming your head, yes "they"!! "The secret voices" (Voix Secretes).
This is an album you would enjoy in winter, but that period of winter when you can't even get out from home to go to work because of a mountain of snow on the roads,well even in Summer, when outside thunders and lightening are eating the whole city. It's in those moments you look for them, or better "they look for You (the Secret voices).
Album is the total expression of technology, everything is filtered and sampled, re-sampled, replayed, redefined and I barely imagine how long has the artist worked on this, sound is absolutely "pure" and I'm sure audiophiles will enjoy this a lot. I'm not sure how much the "classic progrock" listener will do as (I think you already know me!) I like to propose uncommon productions and let me say, pretty unknown to most and very seldom symphonic progrock!! It's avant-garde!!
Dallio's does everything alone with her sampler and piano and only in "De ses mains si blemes" she has a guest Frau Schroeder on cello and as voice in "Der Fish Beisst den Haken"( YEs !! those ones!! the secret ones!!) and Malte Martin as voice in " Quelques mots suspendus".
50+ minutes of time to understand the un-understandable, to find there are secret voices in your brain which need only to get invited out or it's just you who need to jump in!!
Valério Reina ProGGnosis